Step 1 : Firstly order is placed by a user directly to store. Listerr provide a medium of interaction that’s is calling feature, so that you can directly connect to store via call. So user can connect with store and confirm the order while the store owner is approving the order.
Step 2 : Open order from footer section click on approve button given in front of shown lists.
Step 3 : Here list is on approval status, here store have to confirm every item by clicking on Yes button if he have accept the item, store can also edit price and quantity. While if store don’t have that product so he can click on No button to decline the product. At the end Store have to fill the final amount of order list.
Step 4 : After approval now, Store have to pack the list, so click on pack button and start clicking on done button for each items, so that it verifies that store have packed the order.
Step 5 : After packing, select the mode of delivery: Self pick or Home delivery. Hence the process of approving and packing is over.