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Bharat ka online Bazaar !

An Hyperlocal Marketplace for all type of industry

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At a Glance


A Marketplace for all type of Industry.


Download Listerr App

Download the mobile app, start using it as consumer. Experience the uniqueness of this marketplace.

Register as a Seller

Onboard your business on Listerr, as seller and fill the required details.

Get Verification and Start selling

Get verification instantly, upload products and start selling online.

Why Sellers prefer Listerr ?

We are Zero Commission marketplace.

Upload Products

Add thousands of products on Listerr store and share them via a specific product link.


Listerr Go : Home Delivery

We provide a multiple modes of delivery like Listerr Go, store delivery, Self pick up, etc. So it helps in order delivery.


Store QR

A QR code for each store powered by the ONDC network, any customer can directly scan and connect to your store via scanning the code.


Payment : Zero Commission

We do not take any commission for  sales, customer can directly pay to to sellers. We believe in transparency.


Share your store

Seller can share their store with everyone via a link and they can promote the store.


Store on your phone

Seller can manage all business via your mobile phone very easily. Our user-friendly environment helps in that. Customers can directly call sellers and can buy all things via a phone call too.

New in V2

Announcement feature for your products.

You can make announcements for all your products and offers directly to the markets.

Advertise your Products

By making offers and advertisements you can make announcements to attract new customers. 



Customers can connect to your store. So you can grow your direct customer network through connection feature.

Sellers love it.

Fruits Vendor

Listerr के इस्तेमाल से काफी फायदा मिला हैं , पहले सब लोग ऑनलाइन घर से आर्डर करके सब्जियां और फल खरीद लेते थे , जिससे हमारी बिक्री पर असर हो रहा था , लिस्टर ऐप से हमने भी अपनी सब्जी की दूकान ऑनलाइन कर ली हैं, अब हम भी बड़ी आसानी से ऑनलाइन काम कर लेते हैं, लिस्टर काफी आसान हैं और ज्यादा महंगा भी नहीं हैं .




Listerr is fabulous concept, its announcement feature is very good, it gave me a way to promote my designs directly to my consumers, from here I can connect as many as customers and can sell my things directly to them.

Amit Kumar

Kirana owner

जैसे जैसे ऑनलाइन का काम बढ़ रहा था , वैसे वैसे हमारा काम कम हो रहा था, ऑफर्स तो हम भी दे सकते हैं, पर देने के लिए हमारे पास कोई तरीका ही नहीं था, अभी लिस्टर से सारा काम आसानी से ऑनलाइन हो जाता हैं और हम ग्राहकों के ऑर्डर्स भी ले लेते हैं |

Our Growing Market

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Multinational Brands
Stores Activated
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Support nation to become Aatmnirbhar, Start buying from Local Stores.
हम आत्मनिर्भर , देश आत्मनिर्भर !
