Step 1 : Firstly order is placed by a user directly to store. Listerr provide a medium of interaction that’s is calling feature, so that you can directly connect to store via call. So user can connect with store and confirm the order while the store owner is approving the order.
Step 2 : Here order is on status of Approval, So store will approve and finalize the amount and confirm the order.
Step 3 :After this, Store will pack your order and pick option of delivery among two option:
1.Self pick up
2. Listerr Go
If Store has picked the Self pick up then user have to collect that order from store address, while through Listerr Go order will be deliver at your place.
Step 4 : Now our delivery services Listerr Go will pick up the order from store owner and will deliver it at user’s shipping place within few hours of order.
Step 5 : Here delivery service person will ask user to complete the payment if order is on POD mode, and delivery service will also ask user to pay a service fees.
Step 6 : Here user order is delivered.