4 years ago


Updated on 31 Jan 2021

You can list your business at Listerr by registering yourself as Pro user, once you become pro user you can list your business online.

Listerr is a user marketplace while listerr pro is a business listing place, however, one can manage both the platform through a single app.

One can easily connect with any store listed on listerr platform. There is a unique connection facility through which connections can be made by searching the store nearby.

Listerr is a unique type of marketplace, provides a medium to manage any kind of business online. For the first time ever, anyone can easily start their business and interact with their customers directly.

Listerr is free for user always, while for having Listerr Pro one have to pay subscription membership fees. As Listerr pro facilitates to start or manage your digital store in our marketplace.

As Listerr is localmarketplace, so it provides facility to connect with every vendor present neaby you. So if you order items to vendor, our Listerr Go delivery services will deliver your order to your home.

In every area we have assigned our delivery partners who will manage our Listerr Go in nearby your area, in case if there is no such service is open then you have the option to self pick up the orders from your vendor.

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