Listerr Boards

Share about your brands, products, testimonials, stories , how-to videos, advertising, recipes, offers, announcements etc. Listerr Boards enables you to promote your brand via making Google Web Stories, help you reaching target market and relevant audience on one click.

Start making your stories for your brand


Activate Listerr Pro

Join the Listerr platform as brand or sellers to get complete access for Listerr Boards


Announcement Creator

Start designing your stories and announcement using announcement making tool.


Post on Board

Publish your stories directly on board as well other social media platforms via tool.

Create your stories via Tool .

Design your stories with rich media content like videos, audios, photos, etc. which suits your brand according your fonts, colors, theme etc.

SEO Indexing 

Get you brand and story featured in Google discover and SEO indexing directly via Listerr Boards.

Wider Audience Reach via Boards

Get wider and target segmented reach to your customers via Listerr Boards. Publishing helps you growing your brand presence more into target customers.

Trending on Listerr Boards

Find the best stories which are featured and trending on Listerr Boards.
