
Listerr Product Studio

Transform product images to achieve desired visual effects or improvements, via using Listerr open product studio tool.

Start editing products for your brand


Activate Listerr Pro

Join the Listerr platform or Open product network platform as brand or seller to get complete access for Product studio tool.


Product Studio

Start editing your product images via product studio tool and AI-based features.

Downloaded file

Download or Share

Download your file in various formats, or share the images via open product network to other eCommerce accounts.

Filters and Effects

Apply pre-designed filters or create custom effects to change the mood, tone, or style of the image. This may include options like black and white, vintage, sepia, HDR, or artistic filters.

Bezier Curves and Selective Editing

Brush or draw over the desired areas to create a mask or selection, and then apply the desired edits or adjustments only to the selected regions.

Exposure Adjustment

Correct underexposed or overexposed photos and enhance the visual quality of an image by using controls to modify the brightness, contrast, and tonal range of an image.

Power up editing with AI based features .

Design your stories with rich media content like videos, audios, photos, etc. which suits your brand according your fonts, colors, theme etc.

Spot RemovalĀ 

Remove unwanted spots, blemishes, or imperfections from an image. It is a common retouching technique used to enhance the appearance of photographs by eliminating distractions or unwanted elements.

Background Removal

A background eraser tool, which automatically removes the background based on color similarity or contrast. You can adjust the tool’s settings to refine the selection and achieve better results.

Image Resolution Auto Enhancer

The tool increases the image resolution by adding more pixels to the existing image. The auto enhancer may employ various enhancement algorithms to adjust the contrast, brightness, colors, and other parameters of the image. These algorithms analyze the image content and make adjustments to enhance the visual appearance and make the image more visually appealing.

Get started with our studio tool

Design with best of industry practice and showcase your products across the network.
